Saturday, December 14, 2013

Queen Elizabeth and her security

Apparently she scolded her security for taking too many of her good cookies or something.  That indicates even the well-behaved security of the Queen is guilty of taking too many liberties.  This is bound to have a trickle down effect as now the Queen's attention is on her security.

Also, the CIA was caught lying about one of their agents.  I would not want to work for the CIA.  How many other agents have been left high and dry?  Is Burn Notice what they do with all their agents?  Why do you never hear of a retired CIA agent?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Theory of the Intersections of Magnetic Parabolas

It is my theory that all of matter can be described as "intersections of magnetic parabolas".  Someone suggested "interesections of physical parabolas", and I kind of agree, however magnetic parabolas is easier to think about.

Anyhow, viewing matter as the intersections of magnetic parabolas explains black holes as well as electrons and quarks.  What happens to the "matter" at the center of black holes?  Is it "infinitely dense" as some theories are forced to support?  Or is it a smoothing out of the competing magnetic parabolas?  Rather than posit an exit of a wormhole or something, magnetic parabolas explains without entering a new something into the equation.

Speaking of equations, it also explains infinite at both sides of the equation (going to zero and going to maximum).  There is no maximum except to the extent that a red dwarf has a maximum mass.

For more, see

FYI, E=mc2 is an interesting equation.  As all of mathematics it is an approximation of reality and not reality itself.  It is my belief that c2 approximates the intersections of magnetic parabolas, but does not accurately measure or account for all phenomena.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Eyes Wide Shut

* disturbing content, so be prepared *

All of the earth's hierarchical organizations are essentially traps.  Many were not designed to be traps, but they have become so.  Child molestors and rapists have surrounded every trustworthy place on earth and used the person, situation, or place as a trap and bait for the unwary.  Schools are traps for child molestors to peruse their prey.  Stores and malls are traps for rapists to peruse their prey.

If an attractive woman goes out in public, it is almost certain she will be followed home.  She will almost certainly be gang-raped at some point in her life as a lesson for her to understand her place as sexual servant to the rapist and child molestor.  This is pervasive and the rule, not the exception.

Frequently the President or CEO of an organization is the advertisement of safety.  This is used as a trap, because behind the scenes of EVERY safe-appearing place on earth is one or more child molesting rapists waiting for their opportunity.  Schools are traps.  Malls are traps.  Stores are traps.  Advertisements are traps.  TV is traps.  Music is traps.

In the 1940s the word for women was "broads".  Broad-casting is casting for broads.

What to do?  Realize the advertisement for the safe place is physically safe as long as you are aware that the place is designed as a trap.  So don't trust the surroundings and assume you are surrounded by child-molesting rapists.  However, they must keep up appearances and must lure you into the back rooms.  So force them to maintain their appearances.

It is a silent conspiracy.  Child molesting rapists do not want to get caught.  They collude and conspire together including killing everything in their path to maintain their position.

* disturbing content, so be prepared *

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The One Law of Power

Have you read The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene?  It's an interesting read in Machiavelli's The Prince sense, however, it can be distilled into one sentence:

"Promise the world while delivering absolute garbage."

Bait and switch.  A sole proprietor cannot get away with that, but hire a manager, or better yet, a team of officers, and you too can deliberately deliver absolute garbage and force your customers to do all the work.

While this used to work in the days of anonymity and distance due to shipping and information delivery times, I do not suggest employing that One Law of Power.

Accountability will be back in vogue soon.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Bible - the movie

Was "He" really Satan?

While reading a couple of quotes from the Book of Jeremiah, I noticed that it had contradictory language.  "He" referenced God of course, but then later, it seemed that "He" was referencing Satan.  I wonder if Satanic translators forgot a sentence or two and did not tell the reader that the new subject had switched from God to Satan.  That is a pretty easy omission to make and it looks to be deliberate.

Anyhow, I think it would make an interesting movie to simply change all the "He"s to Satan if it involves death or punishment.  Leave them as God if otherwise benevolent.  Destructive vs. Creative would be the dividing line.

Because God doesn't destroy.  God creates.

Human trafficking is wrong

Human trafficking has roots in wealthy people's trust funds and desires for planned lives and control.  Wealthy people sometimes believe they are immortal and can live within another person's body or mind.  Like a voodoo transfer or something.  Of course this is not true, but some believe it and create wills and trusts that map out every aspect of their lives.  Then lawyers make sure the instructions are followed.  Arranged friends, brides, wives, dates, etc.  All with genetic and family lines all the way back to ancient India.

Arranged dating is good for the matchmaker, not for the daters.

Please see for a description of the above and the horror of its consequences.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Trapping Discrete Particles in Fluids" - a patent application from 2009

As this was from 4 years ago, I thought it time to bring this back up.

Clean oceans
Harvest natural resources

How someone has not contacted me about investing in this is unfathomable to me.


One particle per patent.  That is orders for the physicists and chemists and engineers.

I have a business plan, including distribution and energy for delivery of the extracted resources.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Adam and Evil

While riding the subway into Manhattan this morning, I saw an advertisement from Apple about music.  The advertisement angered me.

1s and 0s is NOT music, Apple.  Music can be represented in a computer, but is not the actual music.  Digital    is false music.  The human brain is forced to fill in the music as it cannot be accurately represented in a computer.  I do not care how many 9s are placed in the between.  Just as a computer simulation is not reality, so as a digital recording is not reality.

Adam and Eve
Bit off too much of the apple
Adam and Evil
Am I a pod?

Was that a bad apple?  j/k

The Brotherhood of Badasses

Now, I did not invent this name, I was declared its King and leader by the one who did.  The Brotherhood of Badasses is a complex thing that has roots in Buddhism and monasteries.

For one, it is a loose translation into English.  The original Thai is difficult to translate into English.

Right now there are only a few levels of the Brotherhood:


The Brotherhood is one of self designation and recognition.  One MAY designate themselves as affiliated with the Brotherhood of Badasses if one wishes, however, MUST say they are only affiliated and as an acolyte only and be VERY clear about the communication.  Otherwise, there will be consequences.

An apprentice is one who has a master or teacher.  One cannot choose a teacher.  The teacher must accept one as their apprentice.

Many and most people affiliated with the Brotherhood of Badasses will never reach the state of master.  Perhaps other designations will be made at a later time, but for now there are the 3.  Plus a Grand master and the King/Leader (me).

While it is called the Brotherhood of Badasses, it is open to females as well.

I am not accepting any apprentices as my 4 year old son Kohdee is my only apprentice.  Well, his mother is also, but only through loose affiliation and not as direct.  I am open to other female apprentices, but have my hands full with Kohdee on the male side.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Crematorium

The Prince Andrew of The United States has been forced to live amongst the homeless.  I call it "The Crematorium" because across the street and around back on the corner is the Brooklyn Funeral Home with Cremation Services building.  It is across the street from a large abandoned church.

Also interesting, my adoptive father Joseph Brown III used to have light switches and radios on timers for when we were out of town.  It gave the appearance that we were still at home.  This works if you have a garage, I suppose, but if you do not have a garage, then it is blaringly obvious that we were out of town.  It really depended on who was watching.  But anyhow, there was another church about a mile away from The Crematorium that had chains on the door.  I noticed the church looked filled on Sunday, but something appeared off.  I think the same thing happened at that church, but the light bill is still being paid.  I noticed that church because 4 fire trucks showed up yesterday to a house nearby.  It seemed quite serious, but the trucks vacated quickly.