Monday, July 27, 2009

Perpetual Energy Machine (effectively)

Before you jump all over me for asserting the idea of perpetual energy, this is a 4.5 billion year energy machine that I think might also be perpetual. As long as the earth and sun remain intact, this idea will work for sure. So... if we have all arguments out of the way, here is the idea a 10 year old can understand (note it could be a smaller scale, but let's go big):

I want to pull ocean water up the hill over the continental divide between LA/San Diego and Phoenix. Once it crests the hill, gravity provides more than sufficient energy to power cities, desalinate water, and turn desert into farm land. So... how to get that ocean water over the hill?

First, the wind farm at the top of the hill on I-10 is sufficient. 4.5 billion year energy machine is proven.

BUT. I have a more interesting idea:

I will bet you that the laws of thermodynamics can push water up a hill. If we were to paint the pipe different colors (start with black/white), the pipe and water contained within would expand and contract from the heat of the sun. This creates energy that would push on the body of fluid and with some good engineering, different shaped pipes, intelligently painted sections, and some reservoirs to provide a holding tank, we could push water up the hill just using the heat from the sun expanding water. Wouldn't be simple, but wouldn't be all that difficult either.

Solar power using paint and pipe only. I am 100% certain it would work. Once the water is at the top of the hill and over the continental divide? Effectively perpetual energy. Free water. Free energy. For 4.5 billion years.


1000' diameter solar array VS. 1000' diameter magnifying glass?  Which one will boil rock?


  1. FYI, please remember that the "laws" of thermodynamics apply to FLUIDS ONLY. Please make sure you don't apply those general tendencies of fluids called "laws" to things like particle physics.

    Who can I talk to who can make sure that message gets into ALL scientific curriculum. We have PHDs making that stupid mistake.

    FYI2, the "laws" of thermodynamics are not LAW. They are general tendencies that are truisms but are NOT applicable if you drop down to smaller scales.

    We are entering the nano-tech era. Please challenge the old assumptions.

  2. Have you talked to an engineer about building your idea? Has anyone else written down a similar idea?

  3. Not as far as I know. It would work and would certainly work on smaller scales like say: a moat or something around your house with a garden on your roof. Put a little windmill up there and you'd have water, water pressure, and depending on the size of the tank, you'd probably have enough power to work your lights and home appliances. Free energy. Free water too. With some more intelligent engineering I'll bet you could filter your own waste water and use it for fertilizer for the garden on your roof.

  4. One nice thing about the above idea: No capacitors required.

  5. FYI, the idea for the perpetual energy machine was an extension of the idea in the above post (8/5/2009). I originally had this general idea while in San Francisco a couple of months ago.

    I like the Phoenix one because it's so huge. Mexico comes along for the ride. LA 400 races. Motorcycle races. Over the continental divide.

  6. I *think* this might be more powerful than I originally envisioned. Flowing water across the continental divide + siphoning effect + spinning of the earth might create a lot of power. Might have to build the pipeline across the equator. I wonder what this would do if you did a pipeline across the equator...

  7. Another interesting thought today: to harness the power of the tank sitting on the roof of your house, would creating a whirlpool (vortex) in the tank allow you to harness the energy more easily. What is the siphoning effect along with a whirlpool to keep the water flowing from ground to roof? Experimentation is needed.

  8. Siphons require the water level on one tank to be higher than the other. What would happen if you used a whirlpool in a single tank to lower the water level in one area of the tank? Would that allow for enough differential to siphon perpetually? Different shaped pipes to keep the whirlpool going maybe.

  9. In any case, you could use solar/wind power to keep the whirlpool going and that should be enough to keep the surface levels different. Water would flow from the top of the whirlpool, through the siphon, and then flow into the bottom of the whirlpool. Experimentation needed. Anyone with any ideas on this?
