Thursday, March 6, 2014

Preventing a perpetual fee (for being born)

Kingdoms extract a price.  Born on the King's land and the population must worship and support the King.

So... in the United States, who has placed themselves into the King position?

Federal Reserve?
Federal Government?
Lawyers in aggregate?
Doctors and the health care industry?

A little of all of the above is the answer.

So, how to prevent a perpetual fee?  The answer is to remove the authority from all transactions.  IE. an EDI for financial and monetary transactions.  That is Promise Language.  Designed from the ground up to prevent the perpetual fee.

Two people.



End transaction.

No 3rd party.  No authority.  For free.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bitcoin as the world's reserve currency?

Bitcoin can't be printed.  It can't be faked.  A record of all transactions is public.  It crosses borders easily and doesn't require a vault.  It is the perfect settlement for central banking transactions.

The BIS created SDRs to fill this role.  Bitcoin might be that replacement.

What is needed is liquidity.  An exchange in each country with a currency.  Wealth translators to efficiently exchange Bitcoin for any other value, including gold.

To bind these currencies together a common language is also needed:  Promise Language.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Who is the Lord Dirt?

The Lord Dirt is the only god with the power to prevent an after life.

Who prays to the Lord Dirt?  People who have done such bad things they do not want to be caught in an afterlife or karma.

Suggested prayer:  One knee down, pick up some dirt, thank the Lord Dirt for preventing your after life.

Of course, this ignores the fact that diamonds are formed from carbon-based life forms after being squeezed out of existence through the crystalline lattice.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The dollar bill

Take a look at a dollar bill.  There are 3 major points to make:

1. the president's portrait on the front
2. the military seal on the back right
3. the all-seeing eye pyramid on the back left

The pyramid is a secret royalty that is held in prison to the military.  The military purports to protect, but in reality are at war with the very few royals for their inheritance and trust funds (the all seeing eye).  Meanwhile the military is banging all the hot royal princesses.

The front is an unhappy clueless president presented to the population.  That's TV today.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The All-Seeing Eye and the Illuminati explained

The all-seeing eye is a human being descended from ancient kings and queens since before ancient Egypt.  The inheritance was enormous.  Wealth beyond imagination.

Over several thousand years, that family line was kept to a single living male.  Father was killed upon birth of a son.  The Illuminati is a band a thieves who maintain the secret.

The Illuminati are insane.  They believe themselves to be immortal and believe in a hodge-podge of Satan-like religions.

The All-Seeing Eye is a human.  A good one.  Benevolent and wise.  Held in poverty and obscurity by the Illuminati thieves.

Why do they keep him alive?  The Illuminati are not all that intelligent, or educated, so use the All-Seeing Eye's education, wisdom, and intelligence to present themselves as such.  Essentially impersonating.  Others see them as wise and powerful.  They are charlatan thieves.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The United States is a Constitutional Monarchy with the military in the monarch position

By definition, the Executive branch executes orders.  Whose orders?

Not the population.
Not the Congress.
Not the Supreme Court.

Answer is the military.

The Constitution was designed by people accustomed to the English monarchy.  Whether subconsciously or consciously, it pre-supposed a monarch to deliver the orders.  The military (and in some respects lawyers) have assumed this role in the United States.

As the military has strong similarities to a dictatorship, some in the military are actively pursuing the goal of declaring a military dictatorship in the United States.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How large of a magnifying glass do you need to boil rock?

If it were 1000' diameter, 1000' in the air, would that be large enough to bore a hole in the earth?  Can a 1000' solar array generate the same amount of energy?

Monday, December 23, 2013

Physical Torture Cubes (Mobile edition)

Not everyone who has committed horrific crimes should be placed in Physical Torture Cubes.  I thought of another option today.

Kind of like a mobile version of stockades.  Bracelets or something.  If the convictee is wearing the bracelet or shirt, he/she can be physically tortured at will.  The population may take out any and all physical aggression in what every manner they choose.  Screams will likely protect them from any long term injuries.

Plus, having Physical Torture buttons available (along with remote control via your phone).  You know, similar to the Scarlet Letter, the convictee would have a number assigned and visible.  Pull up the Torture app to review the conviction record and start pressing buttons!

I imagine the convictee would be avoiding the public.  Some people deserve that.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We live inside an organism some call God

Something to that effect was uttered by some advanced physicists as the only explanation for currently standing "paradoxes".