Friday, October 14, 2016

True Life Stories(tm) starts with Trials of Satan reality TV

Trials of Satan:

Confess your life's crimes on TV with a Physical Torture Cube (PTC) as the only punishment.

Incarcerated or exonerated???

PTC's are the modern form of stockades.  If exonerated, records are sealed.

A potential True Life Story(tm) or Stories:

Anna-Nicole Smith and her dead 10 year old son, Danny, would make an interesting True Life Story(tm). Her Majesty's coroner described Danny's death as "unnatural".  Anna-Nicole Smith died in 2007 of an apparent overdose in a hotel.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

How to become rich and famous

Tell the prosecuting attorney that you will confess all your crimes over your life, with the contingency that the trial be held on television called "Trials of Satan" and the only punishment will be a "Physical Torture Cube".

If you're innocent, wait until you're on TV and say, "I have not committed any crimes in my life."  Speeding could be the crime you confess.  Include all crimes going back to childhood. Exonerated or Incarcerated?  Or entirely Innocent?

I did this on 9/12/16 at the Florida State Attorney's office.

Start a trend.  Please forward around.