Saturday, November 21, 2015


As they go extinct, perhaps some new names for them are in order:






I think that alive or dead, each should be placed into a separate Physical Torture Cube that will survive the Sun's nova (move them to a rock outside Jupiter's orbit).

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Absolute proof of Quora locking out viewership to certain questions...

3 people have viewed this question in 4 hours.  Those topics have about 1 million members.  This is impossible to explain in any other way, than someone (hackers? NSA?) are actively controlling who sees which questions.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Unusual traffic on Quora...

Notice the odd statistics on my Quora answers, see attached screenshot.

How could the spikes be equidistant (3 months + 4 days)?  

FYI, I am certain that posting this WILL change the pattern, however... that could NOT be random.