Sunday, October 6, 2013

ABB vs. NYC Bar Association

Allegations of sex-trafficking and conveying human beings as property were not refuted by the Defendants.

Summary:  Common-law suit of an association/organization with personal liability on the line due to fiduciary obligation of the organization's reputation.  $100 million judgment awarded to Plaintiff.  No counter suit.

Andrew Bransford Brown VS. The Association of the Bar of the City of New York

For more, see

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kern Place in El Paso Texas (I grew up in that neighborhood)

They supposedly called this the "Gate of Death".  It was built in 1916 by Peter Kern.  He founded the neighborhood and I lived in his house at the top of Cincinnati Street.  Apparently he was connected with some very odd Illuminati and Masonic types and lots of mystery surrounds it.  I can attest that it was a very strange place to grow up.  Very quiet.  Too quiet.  In retrospect, I think I grew up surrounded by Satan worshippers.  I did not know that at that time.  They say Peter Kern was decapitated in a ritual sacrifice underneath that sign.  It was torn down in the 1950s and I moved there in 1973 or so.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trans-structural time travel

In an infinite universe all possibilities exist.  Each possibility is a holographic structure representing every possible moment in time.  Most structures are devoid of life, except (at least) this one.  Consciousness/life is an interconnected plasma.  All life forms from algae and coral to plants and humans are interconnected.

By focusing the emotional energy of all life forms, it may be possible to transfer the life plasma of planet Earth to a different structure.  This might be a permanent change or could temporarily breath life into another structure, and bring back people or animals.  You might call this, "bringing back grandma physics".  To visit another structure, an emotional connection is required and each structure can only be visited once.

Under great heat and pressure, carbon turns to diamond.  This is the form of hell on earth. Heat and pressure is the fire and brimstone as the emotional soul (living in the pineal gland) is pushed out of existence in a superman-style prison.  Other crystals (with color) are souls paying penance as they hold onto souls in other structures (ghosts).

EDIT 11/2/2013:  The above is a description that I believe explains the nature of reality better than any theory.  It is an extension of what I termed "Plasma Theory" when I was about 10 or 12.  My description at that age was "It is not two plus two equals four, it is 2 + 2 AND 4.  All at the same time."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Takka Tan Tan

Takka Tan Tan means "Dancing Mantis" in Thai.  That is my son Kohdee's nickname.  He is 4 years old and lives with his mother in Bangkok, Thailand.  He does a little modeling for some famous names like Elle, Petit Pomm, and some toys.  He was pretty good as the lead angel at Bangkok Airway's 40th anniversary show.  Apparently he had a big thing recently with the superstars.  Takka Tan Tan.  He is currently going to acting school.  FYI, his name is Kohdee.  Not Cody.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nearly free energy machine

EDIT on 11/2/2013:  POKE A HOLE AT THE TOP OF THE APEX!!!  It took me a year to figure that out.

Is the cohesive force of water stronger than gravity? Answer: yes (look at water cling to the side of a glass). Therefore, capillary action will pull water uphill.

For an example, look at a tree. A tree is a slow motion fountain.

Or touch the end of a napkin into water and the water crawls up. That's capillary action. Also note how it filters certain heavier substances. So the design of the napkin (sponge) can extract discrete particles from the fluid.

Edited on 3/30/2010:
Capillary action in a small diameter tube can raise water several centimeters. If you were to bend the end of the tube over, the water would attempt to flow out, but the cohesion will be stronger than gravity. However, if you were to arrange many similar tubes together, the meniscus of each would touch and the hydrogen bonding of water would overcome the electrostatic charge to the tube and water can form a droplet large enough for gravity to overcome. That's nearly perpetual energy that concentrates the electrostatic energy in water. That's how water gets into a coconut. Similar to nature, capillary faucets engineer water to travel uphill.

Edited to add picture on 4/18/2010:

Edited to add picture on 1/11/2010:

Another design using the same principles (1/27/2010):

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Reorganizing science

Theoretical Physics

---Molecular dynamics (magnets and molecules)

Life science
---Biology (cell growth and divisions)
---Behavioral science
------Economics (monetary science)
------Traumology (study and resolution of trauma)

A few basic principles:
1. light is a fluid
2. gravity is a vacuum (Eg. ferrous iron)
3. you can split apart molecules and remove electrons using electromagnetic waves
4. consciousness is a plasma
5. zero is not a number (mathematics is a symbolic representation of reality and not reality itself)
6. E=mc2 shows a valid relationship, but the equation is not correct. The speed of light is not constant and he forgot about time.

Molecular Dynamics is a science studying the interaction of fluids (moving particles) which replaces "nano-technology". Chaos theory is a silly way to model stuff in a computer. Represent light as a fluid and you'll get some more accurate weather prediction.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


When the sperm enters the ovum it finds food. Interwining the two parent's DNA strands, building someone entirely new. We're all parameciums at that point. Sex doesn't occur until the first cell division. I think that 5 stem cells are the first cell divisions. Some of those divisions may be: brain, pineal (or perhaps other similar glands), bone, organs, and nervous system (or perhaps muscle).

So to make permanent changes to DNA (such as life extension), modifying the DNA in the stem cells might work, but would likely create conflict with that original paramecium. I wonder if the original paramecium is contained in the pineal itself. Locked away until emotional trauma is entirely healed.

My theory is the original paramecium provides a gateway before significant changes to genes will by accepted by the organism. Any attempt to modify the stem cells will be "policed" by that. Emotional congruity will likely be important to acceptance of those changes by the organism of large changes (such as life-extension).

When do we ever get back to that original paramecium (self)?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Female language patterns

Female language is based on the double entendre and is an atrocious use of language that impedes communication. The language stems from early sexual abuse and trauma. The entendre is created through combining the normal definition of the words with a subjective phonetic interpretation that is almost always sexual and usually very ugly. For example, the phrase: "You've gotta be kidding". When women say that phrase, they also mean: "You've got two? Dinging the kid" OR "You've got TA? Ding the kid". The latter phrase is a subconscious cry for help and simultaneously reinforces the child molestation they received as a child.

Solving emotional trauma

Emotional trauma creates feelings of "worthless" and "special" which are frequently perpetuated throughout a person's life. In the case of adoption trauma: "Worthless" stems from the mother's rejection and "specialness" stems from the adoptive family choosing to adopt the child. Regardless of source, the emotional trauma creates a lifetime pattern that oscillates between "worthless" and "special" and usually goes unrecognized.

Umbilical cord cut, punched in the gut.  You never figured out what you did wrong, and never wanted to be wrong again.

In some cases, the umbilical cord cut is further exacerbated by a rape that occurs on their newborn day.  This is either a penis inserted into the infant's mouth or a mother who places the infant on her clitoris before breastfeeding (associating sex with food). While this occurs frequently with non-adoptees, it aggravates the adoptive trauma and reinforces the oscillating behavior towards feeling worthless/special. Unless recognized consciously, this will create a repetitive subconscious behavioral pattern that continues through all of life.

As an adoptee, I discovered my trauma and found a solution that applies to all forms of emotional trauma, described here: